Pineapple and Aloe. Refreshing juice to purify the organism

Pineapple is a sweet and juicy fruit that can be eaten alone or added to sweet and salty recipes such as green smoothies, salads, pizzas, rice, pineapple juice, biscuits, empanadas, etc. 

The pineapple is from Brazil, its plant is known as Ananas Comosus and belongs to the botanical family of Bromeliads.


Its nutritional value

Pineapple has up to 87% water in its composition, it also contains carbohydrates, fiber and vegetable protein. Its fat content is practically zero.

Pineapple micronutrients: Vitamins C or ascorbic acid, B9, A and B3. 

Minerals contained in pineapple: potassium, magnesium, calcium, phosphorus, iodine, sodium, zinc and iron.

The pineapple provides 50 kcalories per 100 grams and has an average glycemic index. In general, in a healthy diet it is recommended to prioritize the consumption of fruits with low and medium glycemic index, especially in cases of overweight, obesity or type II diabetes.


Its medicinal properties

Pineapple contains bromelain, a proteolytic digestive enzyme with anti-inflammatory, digestive, immunostimulant and analgesic action.  

In order to take advantage of the benefits of bromelain, pineapple should not be heated or prepared at high temperatures because it is inactivated. That is why it is important to always take the natural pineapple in order to take advantage of its benefits.


Benefits of pineapple 

For its satiating effect, diuretic and to help regulate the intestinal transit, pineapple is a fruit that can be very beneficial in slimming diets.

It can be an excellent ally against cellulite, since it helps us to fight the retention of liquids thanks to its diuretic action.

Its consumption improves the cases of dermatitis.

It improves the heavy and slow digestions of the foods because it stimulates the gastric secretions.

Relieves disorders of the digestive system such as diarrhea, bloating or colic and kidney. 

It can contribute to to expel gastrointestinal parasites.


If we add to all this the benefits of Aloe vera we are providing our body with a large amount of minerals and vitamins and purifying our body.

To take it in a practical way, we prepare a recipe not only delicious and fresh for the summer, but healthy.


Pineapple and Aloe Vera Juice


  • - 1 whole pineapple
  • - 50ml-75ml Pure juice Aloe vera 
  • - 1 glass of water  
  • - Juice of 1 lemon or 1 orange


After peeling and cutting the pineapple, put all the ingredients into the mixer and mix.

 The juice is ready to drink. Let's cool down!