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About us
LANZALOE is a company in The Canary Island that is devoted to the creation of products based on Aloe vera. Its main goal is to combine knowledge and tradition with the latest technologies so as to put all the benefits Aloe vera has to offer in their clients´ hands.
Unlike any other similar company, LANZALOE is very careful about the preparation of cosmetic products from the beginning of the process, that is, from the growing of the plant.
Respect to the environment
Living in an environment, like the island of Lanzarote, proclaimed "Biosphere Reserve" by UNESCO, we are really aware of the importance of preserving the environment.
That is why we believe that combining agriculture and Aloe industry, respecting the balance of the environment, is possible.
We are committed to a strict ecologic agricultural process that is environmentally friendly and concerned about the plant cycles.
100% Organic Aloe vera Barbadensis
We believe faithfully that the basis of a good product is the choice of raw material.
For that reason, we have our own plantation of Aloe vera Barbadensis were we grow our own Aloe in an ecological way, from which we extract the essence to work on our products: the Juice.
By growing our own plants and preparing our own products we guarantee the best final results: high quality cosmetics that preserve and boost the many healing qualities of Aloe vera.
Our fields in Lanzarote have been declared a Center of Interest and Culture for Tourists of exceptionnal value bringing more than 120,000 visitors every year, who, like you, want to learn more about Aloe.
Ecological Certification
Following this line of thought, we have worked to obtain certificates that support our work and prove our commitment to ecological agriculture as in the case of the Certificate of the Canary Institute of Agri-food Quality (ICCA), which certifies that the base element of our production process, the Juice of Aloe vera, preserves all the original properties of the plant.
We never test our Aloe Vera products on animals
The LANZALOE’s products collect all the properties of the Aloe vera (soothing, regenerative, healing, depurative, etc).
We make each one with Pure Aloe Juice, more effective than Aloe powder or lyophilized.
Finally, the most important, none of our Aloe vera products is tested on animals.
Our mission
Providing our customers with quality products that preserve the properties that have granted Aloe vera international recognition, to cover their needs in fields such as cosmetics or dietetics or others where Aloe is required as a final product.
Give an effective service and for it to be recognized.
Become a benchmark in our field, which leads us to recycle our processes and try to continually improve us.
We promise to put in your hands the incredible regenerative properties of the Aloevera through our products.
Come and discover with us the secrets of the Aloe!