Cookies Policy


Cookies Settings



Cookies Policy

This website uses cookies and similar technologies to provide the service, as well as to allow us to improve it, by obtaining statistics on its use, and for other purposes.

Browsing this website necessarily involves the use of cookies and similar technologies as long as it is necessary for its operation. Also, for certain purposes, cookies and local storage will be subject to your prior consent. You can accept or reject cookies through the established configuration system and it is also possible to configure your browser to prevent their use.

In this cookie policy you find information about

  • -  The cookies we use;
  • -  The types of cookies we use;
  • -  What their purpose is and how long they last;
  • -  How to change your cookie settings and uninstall them, and
  • -  Who we are and how you can  contact us.


When we use words like "us", "we", "our" we mean LANZALOE, S.L.. You can find our company details below. We are the data controller of the data collected through the use of cookies on our website and our domains.  When we refer to "user" or "visitor" of our website, we mean you, as a user of our website.

Our website is, including the following domains: which we also use.

This policy is part of the legal notice we have implemente don our website, such as our  privacy policy. Our use of cookies may include the processing of your personal data, so  we therefore recommend that you read our privacy policy, which can be found here



By consenting to our use of cookies through the banner displayed when you browse our website, apart from the necessary cookies, you consent to the use of our cookies as described in the "Type of cookies we use" section below.

You can change or withdraw your consent to the use of cookies at any time. Please see the section "How you can change your cookie settings, including the option to uninstall".

If we change our cookie policy after we have obtained your consent, we will ask for your consent again with respect to these changes.


What do I need to know about cookies?

There are different types of cookies and they are used for different purposes.

Below you can read about what cookies are, the difference between first-party and third party cookies, between session cookies and persistent cookies, what types of cookies we use on our website and their function.


What are cookies?

Cookies are small temporary files that are created on the user's device (computer, phone, tablet, etc.) when you visit a website, and that allow the website to store or retrieve information when you browse, for example, to save your preferences or to recognise you on subsequent visits, as well as to obtain information about your browsing habits.

When a website creates a cookie on the user's device, it stores the address/domain of the website that created the cookie, the duration of the cookie, which can range from a few minutes to several years, as well as the content of the cookie. The user can disable cookies at any time through the configuration system of this website, as well as configure their browser to prevent (block) the use of cookies by certain websites, as well as delete previously stored cookies.


What are cookies used for?

The most common uses or purposes are:

Essential technical cookies: These are used to manage the browsing flow within the website or to keep the user connected to it. If they are disabled, it is possible that some sections of the website may not function correctly.

Personalisation cookies: Necessary to remember certain user preferences. 

Analytical cookies: These help us and third parties to collect information on the origin of users and their browsing on the website, for the purposes of statistical analysis in order to improve the structure and content.

Advertising cookies: Used to manage the advertisements that appear on the website, decide the content or frequency of the advertisements.

Behavioural advertising cookies: These help to compile the user's browsing habits in order to create a profile of their interests and to show them advertisements adapted to them.

Cookies for social sharing: These are necessary to identify the user in their social networks and thus allow them to share content.


What do we mean by technologies similar to cookies?

Similar technologies are understood to be any type of data storage and retrieval mechanism used on the user's device to obtain information. The most common include: 

The browser's local storage. Some websites use local storage called "sessionStorage" and "localStorage", as well as the browser's indexed database, to store information; 

The local storage of browser plug-ins, such as Flash local storage ("Flash Local Shared Objects") or Silverlight local storage ("Isolated Objects");

Web beacon' is a tracking technique that consists of inserting an image on a web page (or in an e-mail) hosted on an Internet server so that when the browser or e-mail program connects to the server to download and view the image, the connection is logged. This makes it possible to know that the user has viewed the web page or e-mail. Sometimes this image is very small or transparent so that the user is not aware of its existence;

Fingerprinting techniques that combine information obtained from the browser or the browsing equipment to distinguish a user on successive visits to different websites.


What are third-party cookies and who are the recipients of the information?

 The cookies on this website can be classified, depending on who creates them, into two categories:

Own cookies: These are created and managed from our websites and web domains, with the information obtained being managed directly or indirectly by us for our own purposes. 

Third-party cookies: These are cookies that are created and managed from other websites that, although not completely under our control, provide functions and features that we have decided to include on our website, such as, for example: interactive maps, videos and multimedia elements, buttons for sharing on social networks, advertisements, etc. These cookies are under the control of the third party that provides the relevant function. 

The vast majority of third-party features involve access to or collection of information (and the use of cookies) by the third party providing the feature, based on their own criteria and purposes, including the collection of browsing habits to show you personalised advertising. The following section lists the third-party functions and features used on this website.


How long do cookies or similar technologies remain active? 

Depending on their permanence or activity time, we can differentiate between: 

Temporary session cookies:  they remain stored in the browsing equipment until the user leaves the website; the browser deletes them at the end of the browsing session.

Persistent cookies: These remain on the browser and are read by the website each time the user visits the site again. These cookies are automatically deleted after a certain period of time, which may be short or very long. 

This policy includes information on the duration of cookies; for more information, please consult our privacy policy, as well as the information provided in the privacy policies of third party web function providers.


Use of browsers with private browsing mode 

If you wish to use this website with a greater degree of privacy and limit the cookies being stored for long periods of time, we recommend that you use a web browser with a "private" browsing option. You can find information about this option on the help pages of the most common browsers:                                                   

BrowserName of the private browsing functionMore information
Internet Explorer 8 y superiorMicrosoft EdgeInPrivate (Explorer) (Microsoft Edge)
Safari 2 y superiorPrivate Browsing
Private Browsing
FireFox 3.5 y superiorPrivate Browsing
Google Chrome 10 y superiorIncognito Mode


Detailed information on the Cookies used by this website 

Information on own cookies 

Functional/technical cookies: Necessary to correctly display the web page and guarantee the correct functioning of the site. They allow you to browse our website and use the different options or services it has. With them we can, for example, control traffic and data communication, identify you during the session, give you access to restricted areas, and use security elements during your browsing. 

Analytical cookies: These are used to analyse the behaviour of users in an aggregate and anonymous way, including the number of visitors to the website and to different internal pages, the origin of the visit, day and time, platform, search words used by a user to find the desired content.


Information about third-party cookies 

These cookies are managed and controlled by third parties, with the purpose of carrying out/providing functionalities, carrying out browsing analysis, personalising browsing and searches, as well as compartmentalised advertising. 

Functional/technical cookies: These allow you to browse through our website, using the different options or services that we offer you, such as, for example, viewing videos or sharing content through social networks. 

Analysis cookies: These third parties provide us with statistical information on the behaviour of different users on our website in order to introduce improvements based on the analysis of data on the use of products and/or services on the website. 

Advertising cookies: These allow us to manage the advertising spaces included on our website, based on criteria such as the content shown or the frequency at which the advertisements are shown.


Type of Cookies we use 

Necessary cookies 

Necessary cookies are required for the basic functionality of our website. Necessary cookies are used to identify you, so that you only have to enter your username and password once during your first visit to our platform.

We also use these cookies to ensure that you are given the choice to accept or decline cookies, to block unnecessary cookies so that they do not work until you give your consent, where appropriate, and to remember the settings and choices that cookies raise or offer. 

Cookies also help to keep track of when you consented to the installation of analytical cookies, accepted the terms and conditions, and subscribed to the newsletter. Necessary cookies are also used in order to be able to proceed with payment processing, where applicable. 

You do not need to accept or reject the use of the necessary cookies, as they are essential for the functionality of our website. 

Below is a list of the necessary cookies we use, their purpose, cookie providers and expiry date:

PHPPHP session
  • SID


Analytical cookies

Analytical cookies collect statistics. We use this information to improve our website. The information collected through analytics cookies tracks how you use our platform during your visit. It helps us to understand user browsing patterns, identify and diagnose problems or errors that may be encountered and thus make strategic decisions to improve access to services or sections of the website. 

We will only place analytical cookies on your device if you give us your consent. 

Below is a list of the analytical cookies we use, their purpose, cookie providers and expiry date.

Google Tag ManagerUse of the website
  • _gatag
    Expires after 1 days
You TubeThese cookies are used to track views of embedded videos and keep statistics of what videos the user have seen
  • YSC
    Session cookie
Google AnalyticsCollects information about visits to the web site.
  • _ga
    Expires after 730 days
  • _ga
    Expires after 730 days
  • _ga
    Expires after 0 days
  • _gid
    Expires after 1 days
  • _gid
    Expires after 1 days


Preference cookies

Preference cookies are used to collect information about your device and any settings you may set to remember these settings when you visit our website (such as language and time zone settings). With this information, the platforms can provide you with personalised, enhanced or optimised content and services. 

We only set preference cookies on your device if you give us your consent. 

Below is a list of the preference cookies we use, their purpose, cookie providers and expiry date. 

PHPSESSIDPreserves the visitor's session state across page requests.
form_keyProtects visitor's data from Cross-Site Request Forgery Attacks.
guest-viewStores the Order ID that guest shoppers use to retrieve their order status. Used in “Orders and Returns” widgets.
login_redirectPreserves the destination page the customer was loading before being directed to log in.
mage-banners-cache-storageStores banner content locally to improve performance.
mage-cache-sessidThe value of this cookie triggers the cleanup of local cache storage.
mage-cache-storageLocal storage of visitor-specific content that enables ecommerce functions.
mage-cache-storage-section-invalidationForces local storage of specific content sections that should be invalidated.
mage-messagesTracks error messages and other notifications that are shown to the user, such as the cookie consent message, and various error messages. The message is deleted from the cookie after it is shown to the shopper.
private_content_versionAppends a random, unique number and time to pages with customer content to prevent them from being cached on the server.
section_data_idsStores customer-specific information related to shopper-initiated actions such as display wish list, checkout information, etc.
storeRemembers the user's selected language version of a website.
Stores the user's cookie consent state for the current domain.
X-Magento-VaryConfiguration setting that improves performance when using Varnish static content caching.


Advertising cookies 

Advertising cookies are used to determine which promotional content is most relevant and appropriate to you and your interests. Websites may use them to deliver targeted advertising or to limit the number of times you see an advertisement. This helps advertising agencies improve the effectiveness of their campaigns and the quality of the content presented. These cookies may be set by the platform you are visiting (own services/products) or by third party services/products. Advertising cookies set by third parties may be used to track you on other websites that use the same third party advertising cookies. 

We only set advertising cookies on your device if you give us your consent. 

Below is a list of the advertising cookies we use, their purpose, the providers of these cookies and their expiry date:    

YouTubeShow videos on the web
  • GPS
    Expires after 0 days
    Expires after 180 days
    Expires after 180 days
Google Inc.Advertisements
    Expires after 1 days
  • IDE
    Expires after 1 days
  • IDE
    Expires after 390 days
  • NID
    Expires after 1 days
  • RUL
    Expires after 1 days
  • test_cookie
    Expires after 1 days

DoubleClick (owned by Google)To display ads on the website and show you relevant ads on other sites.
  • NID
    Expires after 183 days
  • NID
    Expires after 183 days
  • test_cookie
    Expires after 0 days
  • test_cookie
    Expires after 0 days
Facebook Inc.Facebook is a social media network that allows users to share posts and photos with friends
  • Session cookie
  • Session cookie
  • _fbp
    Expires after 1 days
  • _fbp
    Expires after 90 days
  • _fbp
    Expires after 90 days
  • fr
    Expires after 90 days
  • fr
    Expires after 90 days


How you can change your cookie settings, incl. opting out

As part of our cookie solution, we always ask for your consent to cookies, except for necessary cookies, before placing cookies on your device. 

We also always give you the option to change your consent. If you at one point gave consent to non-necessary cookies on our website, you can always change which cookies you will give consent to. Just look for the shield on our website. If you press the shield, your cookie settings will appear, allowing you to always change your settings and reject cookies. 

It's also possible to instruct your browser to refuse cookies from our website. Most browsers are configured to accept cookies by default, but you can update these settings to either refuse cookies altogether, or to notify you when a website is trying to set or update a cookie. If you use multiple browsers and wish to block cookies or change or withdraw your consent, remember to do this in all browsers. 

If you wish to use this website with a greater degree of privacy and limit the cookies being stored for long periods of time, we recommend that you use a web browser with a "private" browsing option. You can find information about this option on the help pages of the most common browsers:

BrowserName of the private browsing functionMore information
Internet Explorer 8 and above

Microsoft Edge

In Private (Explorer) (Microsoft Edge)

Safari 2 and abovePrivate Browsing
Opera 10.5 and abovePrivate Browsing
FireFox 3.5 and abovePrivate Browsing
Google Chrome 10 and aboveIncognito Mode


How to prevent the use of cookies and how to delete them?

You can configure your preferences at any time using the cookie configuration system integrated into this website, you can enable / disable the use of cookies according to your purposes.

You can access the configuration system via the link at the bottom of the home page or by clicking here.

Most browsers allow you to disable cookies globally. Many browsers also allow you to delete cookies associated with specific websites/domains. To do this, users should consult their browser's help. Below are links to the help pages of the most common browsers to find out how to configure cookies in each one:

To clear the data stored in the browser's local storage, the user can clear the browsing history. 

To find out how to delete Flash local storage or to limit the amount of space allowed, see the Adobe Help pages: 

For other browsers, as well as for any clarification or question about cookies on this website, you can contact us through the contact details on the website. 

Important notice: if you block cookies, it is possible that certain services or functionalities of the website may not work properly.

If you browse websites from multiple devices, you may also need to update the settings on each device.

Although some cookies may be blocked or not set at all, and this may not affect your browsing experience, blocking all cookies may mean that you will not be able to access certain features and content of the website.

How often will we update this Cookie Notice?

We may change this Cookie Policy, for example, to update the cookies we use or for other operational, legal or regulatory reasons. Therefore, please re-read this Cookie Policy regularly to keep you informed about our use of cookies and related technologies. The date at the bottom of this Cookie Policy indicates when it was last updated.

Who can access your personal data?

We may share your personal data within LANZALOE, S.L. associated companies

Who/whom may have access to your Personal Data", your data may not be disclosed to third parties unless there is a legal basis of legitimate interest, to fulfil administrative purposes, on the legal basis of the obligation to keep your details on a suppression list, if you have asked us not to send you any further commercial communications.

Your personal data may also be processed on our behalf by our trusted third party providers

We contract with trusted third parties to perform a variety of services on our behalf. We only provide them with the information they need to perform the service, and we require them not to use your personal data for any other purpose. We always do our best to ensure that all third parties we work with maintain the security of the personal data we provide to them.

We do not share personal data with third countries or international organisations.


Purpose of the processing for which the personal data is used

- To provide a correct and simpler operation of the website.

- To maintain the commercial relationship with the user.

- To carry out statistical studies to help us better understand your training needs and, therefore, improve our services, websites/applications/devices, etc...


Legal basis for processing

Consent of the data subject.


Communication of data

The data will not be communicated to third parties, unless legally obliged to do so.


Data retention period

- Some of the cookies used will store your data for as long as you keep the session open.

- Data extracted by third parties will be stored for a maximum of 2 years.



- The right to withdraw consent at any time.

- Right of access, rectification, portability and deletion of your data as well as the right to limit or oppose its processing.

- The right to complain to the supervisory authority ( if you consider that the processing does not comply with the regulations in force.


Data controller

Company: LANZALOE, S.L.

Address: C/ La Quemadita, 96 35541 Órzola  (Haria) - Lanzarote (Las Palmas) España

VAT : B35690098


Tel: +34 928 819913 / +34 902 362258

Fax:+34 928 524 545

This policy is effective from 2021-02-16 20:40:13 +0000

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